Friday, October 9, 2020

You Have a Right to Choose. Choose Wisely.

Within the next three months there will be two new beautiful grand-baby boys added to our family.  To say we are all excited would be an understatement. And even though both came as initial surprises, these babies are already deeply loved. They are miraculous, precious eternal beings. 

But it has become especially real to me during this time that women just like my daughter and daughter in law will go to an abortion clinic in any one of 8 states and legally have their beautiful fully formed babies brutally and mercilessly murdered in the most heinous and painful way possible, and not only will it be legal, but they would be cheered on by half of this country as "exercising their reproductive rights."

It's murder. It's infanticide. And it's acceptable to many people who call themselves Christians, or "people of faith." 

Over sixty million babies to date, murdered in our country on purpose.

God help us.

I am so beyond angry. Because lately I have found myself in the minority, trying to defend on social media a biblical view that all life is precious, AND I AM DEFENDING MYSELF TO OTHER CHRISTIANS. To feel I need to carefully choose my words as not to offend some adult on the subject of murdering babies, that I need to apologize if I am too strong defending the most precious and innocent among us. I'm livid.  

A woman's right. When has anyone ever had a right to take another person's life? We hug trees, and defend animal rights, and I love trees, and birds, and animals of all kinds. But we are okay and turn a blind eye when it comes to our children? They are only precious if they are planned or wanted? They don't have rights to life unless their parent decides they are more important than their own bodies?

I get it now.  If you don't believe in a God who created the universe and created people in His own image, if you believe we are here by some miraculous evolutionary process over billions of years that magically turned us into the complex creatures we are, then okay, I get that we get to decide who is worthy to live and who isn't.  But if you fall into the category of a biblical Christian who knows all life is precious, then everything changes.

I am beyond amazed that Christians would even consider electing two candidates who not only support abortion up to the moment of birth but even champion the refusing treatment to a baby born alive in the "unfortunate circumstance that the abortion attempt failed." Have we gone mad? Or are we so numb to sin that we can nonchalantly categorize it as a "personal issue between a woman and her doctor," or turn our heads and say it's not our government's role to legislate a woman's right to her own body?"

Years ago we were more ignorant. There were some who could argue that a fetus wasn't a person, just a clump of cells.  But we know too much now.  We have ultrasounds. We have advanced medicine that has allowed the tiniest of preemie babies to survive. We know there are brainwaves, nerve cells and hearts beating at a few weeks gestation.  We know the baby feels pain.  It's no longer an argument that if a pregnant woman is murdered, her murderer is charged with two homicides. 

You tell me what issue is more important in the next few weeks than the ability to place constitutionalist judges on the Supreme Court Bench that can overturn Roe v. Wade? It might not happen soon. I don't know. But we have a chance in this election to cast a vote in what could eventually save millions of innocent lives in the future.  Lives like the two precious little ones soon to be in our family.

You don't like the President's tweets? Think he's too abrasive or combative, and not presidential enough?  You don't like that he has a past? You explain that on judgement day when you are asked when you had a chance to vote for life and you passed it off because of whatever reason you came up with that is more important.  I don't care if you don't like him. Then like his running mate. A godly man, who is also unapologetically pro life. 

It takes a lot to get me angry. Ask my kids. Ask people who have spent time with me.  I have a lot of grace for people and I give them the benefit of the doubt more often than not.  I allow for faults and I know that there is none righteous, especially myself. 

This election is about the Supreme Court. It's about protecting the unborn. That is why the enemy is using every possible tactic to take our President out.  You don't have to like him or agree with many of his policies.

But he has been chosen for such a time as this to come to the rescue of those who cannot rescue themselves. When the history books are written, what side will you have been on? More importantly, when you have to give an account for what you did in this election, will you have stood for life?  

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